Sources of energy
As an artist I would like to share some thoughts, questions, advice and my accumulated experience in order to inspire and encourage others; to help them to improve their technical skills, to take their own decisions, to reflect and construct their own person and imagery.
During the workshop, we will work on exercises to awaken our playfulness, spirit, intuition and instinctive movement. We will also pay attention to technique, to details and to the exploration of the physical mechanisms that allow us to reach physical extremes, at the same time as we protect the body. We will use bone structure and muscle chains to enhance fluidity and freedom in our own movement; to learn how to recycle and save energy.
I think it’s essential to work in order to reach a balance between strength and flexibility, physicality, emotions and the brain.
We will combine the physical language of dance with the emotion and drama of the theatre through specific energies and clear images providing movement with context and meaning.
LAURA ARIS formó parte del elenco de compañía de danza Lanònima Imperial y del colectivo de artistas General Eléctrica en Barcelona, (1996-1999). Recibe el Premio Lladró al Intérprete en el Festival de Valencia 1999. A finales de 1999 se traslada a vivir a Bruselas para trabajar con la compañía belga Ultima Vez / Wim Vandekeybus (1999-2008). En 2009 emprende su carrera en solitario compaginando sus facetas de profesora, bailarina y coreógrafa invitada en diversos proyectos internacionales. Laura Aris es una profesora reconocida internacionalmente y invitada a festivales y universidades como ImPulsTanz en Vienna, PARTS en Bruselas, SEAD en Salzburg, Honk Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Atelier Transformation Dance en Montreal, Iceland Academy of Arts, entre otros. Artista en Residencia en HongKong Academy for Performing Arts 2012-2014. En la actualidad sigue trabajando como artista independiente desarrollando sus propias prácticas creativas; buscando promover diferentes formas de diálogo entre el público y el artista.
More about Laura Aris at La Caldera