Corpografies #6

Bodies that prove things.
Bodies that sing things.
Bodies that are things. Bodies that are Cassios.
Things that are plants that dance between the cracks in the cement.
Debut bodies.
Bodies that do not stop talking.
Bodies that speak other languages.
Bodies that do not have a tongue, but speak very clearly.
Bodies that overflow beyond the limits of your skin.
Bodies that are text.
Corpografies # 6 is a program designed to make visible projects of artists that we have hosted in residence and that we have accompanied during their creation process, at the moment in which they need to meet the gaze of the public as part of this accompaniment.
This year it was especially difficult to find presentation spaces, we bet on opening two Corpografies moments, with one meeting now in May and another in October.
We are very happy to be able to share these proposals that have sweated in the rooms of La Caldera and that have generated a program that we find very interesting, with very diverse and powerful works, which we rarely have the opportunity to see in Barcelona.